The sessions will begin at 9:00 AM and conclude at 4:30 PM, with a light lunch provided in between. The tentative workshop topics and their schedule are outlined below.
The exact schedule as well as the coverage of topics will depend to some extent on the previous experience of participants with GTAPinGAMS and MPSGE as well as their specific research interests which we will request before the workshop starts.
Part 1: GAMS/Economic Equilibrium/MCP
- Mixed Complementarity Problems (MCP)
- Economic equilibrium models in algebraic MCP format
- Partial equilibrium analysis of free trade agreements
Hands-on: An optimization problem in MCP format
Part 2: Empirical trade theories and data management using GTAPinGAMS
- Perfect competition and trade in differentiated goods: Armington
- Advanced trade structures: Krugman (1980), Melitz (2003), and Bilateral Representative Firms (BRF)
Hands-on: Armington/Melitz/BRF multi-region single-product models in MCP format.
- The GTAPinGAMS data system and alternatives
Hands-on: Sector and region aggregation (GTAP 9, free)
- Multi-region input-output analysis of CO2 emissions embodied in bilateral trade
Hands-on: Balance of emissions embodied in trade (BEET)
Part 3: Standard trade models for policy analysis
- CES and the Calibrated Share Form: necessary and sufficient information arranged in algebraic and tabular (MPSGE) form
- WTO dispute-settlement litigation support
Hands-on: WTO dispute settlement (DS 464 and DS 437) calculation of damages (allowable retaliation)
- GTAP trade-data including elasticities and distortions
Hands-on: Data extraction and partial-equilibrium tariff analysis.
- Transforming IO data into basic CGE models using the calibrated share form and MCP format (MCP)
- MPSGE: a meta-language for large-scale CGE modeling
Hands-on: GE models—from algebraic MCP to MPSGE syntax: Initial taxes, Nested CES, Open Economy, Price and quantity constraints
Part 4: Advanced trade structures and large-scale applications
- Canonical multi-region trade model based on GTAPinGAMS
Hands-on: Non-tariff barriers and the importance of rent capture (rectangles versus triangles)
- Refinements of multi-region trade models for climate policy analysis
Hands-on: Climate policy analysis of emission taxes and emissions trading
- Monopolistic competition and the optimal tariff
Hands-on: China’s optimal uniform tariff on US goods under Armington and Melitz
Part 5: Advanced trade policy applications and exercises
- Industrial carbon pricing policies: output-based rebates versus carbon tariffs
- The Julia programing language as an alternative to GAMS including the Julia MPSGE package for Julia
- Optimal Tariffs and Nash trade wars
- Decomposition strategies for Melitz computation (time permitting)
- Structural estimation and gravity (time permitting)